Citizens Crime Commission of New York City

A non-partisan non-profit organization working to make criminal justice
and public safety policies and practices more effective through innovation,
research, and education.
Predictive Prevention Lab

What We Do

We develop predictive prevention solutions to enhance the effectiveness of crime prevention through behavior change.
How We Do It

Our team uses a multi-disciplinary approach and the latest technology to create cutting-edge prevention solutions.


Developing a personalized and emotionally intelligent web-based tutoring system to help users secure Internet of Things devices and build resilient cyber behavior.

Creating a technology-enabled learning platform to assist high-risk youth in obtaining the education skills they need to gain a high school equivalency degree.

An affect-aware intelligent tutoring system that trains, develops and tests the skills of high-risk youth.


Developing an application that analyzes Facebook posts to alert anti-violence professionals to potential violence in
real time.
Impossible Passwords™

Building a data-driven game in Unity 3D to foster motivation and enhance effective learning in strong password protection.
More to Come

More innovative initiatives will be developed through the PPL.

Custom NYC Cure Violence database:
✔ Increased data collection.

✔ Trained staff in data collection

Intervening in conflicts on social media:
✔ Trained anti-violence staff in an
    evidence-based model.

✔ Increased youths leadership skills.
Cyber Risk Reduction

Curriculum for NYC Dept. of Education:
✔ Increased cyber knowledge of
    NYC high school students.

Get Involved Support Our Projects with Resources,
Tools, Expertise or Donations


For more information contact Stephanie Ueberall.

212-608-4700  ·  [email protected] ©2024 Citizens Crime Commission of New York City